When you follow this, make sure you
- substitute the current version for the PmWiki file (2 places)
- visit the correct URL with your browser, or especially if you use wget.
I run it as a script. With good download speed it runs in three seconds. :-)
cd www/ wget http://www.pmwiki.org/pub/pmwiki/pmwiki-2.2.118.tgz tar -zxvf pmwiki-2.2.118.tgz mv pmwiki-2.2.118 site cd site/local/ wget http://haganfox.net/pmwfiles/CMSMode-latest.tar.gz wget http://haganfox.net/pmwfiles/QuickWikiCMS-latest.tar.gz wget http://haganfox.net/pmwfiles/AdaptSkin-latest.tar.gz tar -zxvf CMSMode-latest.tar.gz -C ../ tar -zxvf QuickWikiCMS-latest.tar.gz -C ../ tar -zxvf AdaptSkin-latest.tar.gz -C ../pub/skins/ mv ../index-CMS-php.txt ../index.php mv config-CMS-php.txt config.php chmod 2777 ../ # ../ is the site/ directory wget -O- http://localhost/site/ >/dev/null # or browse site's URL chmod 0775 ../ chmod g-s ../ vi config.php # or: pico config.php
Page last modified on September 05, 2019, at 12:53 PM
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