Installation Log

## Change to the web document root's directory
cd www/   # points to this directory
## Get pmwiki 
## Unpack the archive
tar -zxvf pmwiki-latest.tgz
## Rename the directory. "site" and "content" are good name choices
mv pmwiki-2.2.118 site   # note: the PmWiki version may be different
## Change to the wiki's local directory
cd site/local/
## Get the CMS Mode recipe, QuickWikiCMS recipe, and Adapt Skin
## Unpack the recipes and skin
tar -zxvf CMSMode-latest.tar.gz -C ../   # extract to main directory
tar -zxvf QuickWikiCMS-latest.tar.gz -C ../   # extract to main directory
tar -zxvf AdaptSkin-latest.tar.gz -C ../pub/skins/   # ex. to pub/skins/
## Rename the index file so we can use it
mv ../index-CMS-php.txt ../index.php   # It's /index.php now
## Rename the configuration file so we can use it
mv config-CMS-php.txt config.php
## Set temporary permissions on the site/ directory
chmod 2777 ../   # writable with setgid; ../ is the site/ directory
## Visit your site's URL with your browser. PmWiki will create
## wiki.d/ (the pagestore directory) and uploads/ on the first visit.
## Remove temporary permissions
chmod 0775 ../   # reset permissions
chmod g-s ../   # make sure setgid is off
vi config.php   # or maybe: pico config.php
Page last modified on September 05, 2019, at 12:52 PM
Powered by: PmWiki and Quick Wiki CMS